Friday, January 29, 2010

Tammy Tuthill

Church: New Beginnings - Lansing

Nominated by Julie of Grand Ledge
Tammy Tuthill is a an example of God's love for His children. She is a very devoted mother of three,a wife, and first lady of our body of believers. She encourages and seeks the Lord with a passion. Tammy has such a heart for souls, she loves very deeply, she is a woman I admire and have learned from, just by her being herself. She is not one way at church and somehting else at home. She is very real and loving. She is young and full of life. And has been on the potters wheel in her own life, and has let the Lord mold her and form her into what He has designed to her be. And I feel SOOOOO Blessed and honored to be under her leading. She deserves more than we could give her. She is a Good and Faithfull servent.

Nominated by Tamara of Portland
In the last few months that I have been going to New Beginings I have met some extrodinary people. Tammy, Pastor Dave's wife is one of them. She is the most sincere, genuine person that I have ever met. When she talks I feel as though I am the only one in the room. She has a love for God and her family that exudes from soul. In fact she loves her husband so much that she did an extraordinary feat. When the Tuthills found out that they were expecting their first child Pasture Dave had to sell his 67 mustang that his dad and him had worked so hard on together. This car did mean allot to Dave and it was vey hard to have to sell it but he did it for his family. Fourteen years passed and Tammy decided to track that car down for Dave's 40th birthday. Secretly, she enlisted the help of her brother a car salesman. Though it was not an easy search given the time spand of fourteen years, the car was found. So for Pastor Dave's 40th birthday he got a big surprise, his beloved Mustang back. It's been a few years since then but when Pastor Dave takes his car to car shows he puts a letter that he wrote that tells of the search and the amazing woman who found the car for him in the windshield of the car for everybody to read.

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